Episode 4: Calypso


Enter Leopold Bloom. We talk about his odd ways and his responses to a range of concealed things in “Calypso,” from Blazes Boylan’s letter to Molly to other people’s experience. Sharing their thoughts are Margot Norris, professor emerita at UC Irvine, James Ramey, professor at UAM-Cuajimalpa, Mexico City, and Elizabeth Salerno, senior librarian at the New York Public Library. We also feature two songs on the program for Molly’s tour with Blazes, “Love’s Old Sweet Song” and “Là ci darem la mano.”

Song credits: “Love’s Old Sweet Song”; Written by James Lynam Molloy and G. Clifton Bingham; Performed by Hannah Ginsborg.

“La ci darem la mano”; Written by Mozart and Lorenzo da Ponte; Performed by Toti dal Monte and Augusto Boeuf.


Episode 5: Lotus Eaters


Episode 3: Proteus